Instructions for Taking Skinfold Measurements
Here are general instructions for taking skinfold measurements. For accuracy, it is important to use the correct technique. Below is a description of the standardized technique that is used around the world.
See also the specific instructions for using the Accu-Measure 3000 Skinfold Caliper.
- equipment: skinfold caliper, such as the Accu-Measure Body Fat Caliper
- procedure: The skinfold method for measuring body fat can involve anywhere from one to nine standard anatomical sites on the body. With the Accu-Measure caliper, only one site—the suprailiac—is required for accurate results. Typically, the measurement is taken on the right side of the body to maintain consistency.
To perform the measurement, the tester pinches the skin at the specified site to raise a fold of skin and the underlying adipose tissue, avoiding the muscle. The caliper is then applied 1 cm below the pinch, at a right angle to the fold, and a reading is taken in millimeters (mm) two seconds later. The result should be the average of two measurements. If there is a significant discrepancy between the two measurements, a third measurement should be taken, and the median value should be used.
- the sites: Accu-Measure recommend using just the suprailliac site. Other popular measurement sites include: Triceps, Biceps, Subscapular, Thigh, Iliac Crest, Supraspinale, Abdominal, Calf, Chest and Axilla.
- results: To avoid additional errors, sometimes just the sum of the skinfold measurements is used as the score, otherwise appropriate formula or tables are used to convert skinfold measures to percentage body fat (%BF).
- reference: International Standards for Anthropometric Assessment (2001) published by The International Society for the Advancement of Kinanthropometry (ISAK).
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